This Sunday I participated in the March of Dimes March for Babies. Many of the families I have met and photographed through the ACPCG have had some incredible help from the March of Dimes and were walking as well. It was so nice seeing familiar faces and babies who have more than doubled their weight since I first met them. :)
About a week ago, I was honored when the March of Dimes contacted me to use some of the photos I had taken of families in the NICU's of the hospitals around Indianapolis. The photos were part of a banner that was at the finish line of the walk. How great is that!?
It was such a fun day. Just seeing how many people were there supporting this wonderful cause was really moving and emotional. I seriously cannot say this enough .. I am so grateful for the families I have met these past two years. Their strength and courage is unbelievable.
I can't wait until next year! :)