Nicole has been in my family's life since she was born (it's not a coincidence we share the same name!). :) Her parents and my parents have been great friends since their younger years. :) Whenever we take trips back to my hometown of Silvis, Illinois, one of the things I've always looked forward to most is visiting with Nicole, her brother & sister and my 2nd favorite set of parents. :)
When Nicole & her mom asked me to take her senior photos, I couldn't have been more excited! She's so photogenic, I knew I'd end up with a lot of great photos .. not to mention since I was back in Silvis, I had brand new locations to work with! It was like Christmas .. beautiful subject and countless new backgrounds. We literally hopped in my mom's car and drove around town stopping whenever we found a cool alley, rusty fence or a huge pile of tires to sit on.
Here are a few of my favorites!
(p.s. Thanks to my mom for assisting and being our driver!!)