I hope everyone is having a great Valentine's Day! We have had a pretty crazy snow storm and I've been snowed in almost all day. Luckily my friend Nick picked me up in his Jeep and we ran to the grocery store and did a little shopping. He saved the day! Tonight, we're having some friends over for dinner, sledding, and some Apples to Apples game time! I'm sooo excited! :) Happy Valentine's Day! <3
That picture is soooo neat! What a cute Valentie card that would be {or is!}!
to my pickel .. thanks for being the best valentine ever.
Fabulous idea! Fabulous shot!
Now that is gorgeous. Love the color and the clarity! Cute idea!
cute pic nicole.....
hope you had a great valentine's day!
i was stuck on a plane for over 8 hours with no working restroom and the flight was only 1 /12 hours of the 8!!! longgg story.
madrid was great but glad to finally be back in indy!
see you later, angela
Those colors POP! Great idea to photograph those little hearts..why didn't I think of that one??!! :)
this thing new my name before i even typed anything.... i feel scared!
i love this though!
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