I'm sure a lot of you already know this but my boyfriend, Dan, and I met about 2 1/2 years ago in photography school. He graduated with a degree in Commercial Photography .. which not many people realize that it's such a hard field to get into. Almost everyone these days has to start at the bottom as an assistant and work their way up .. which is exactly what Dan has been doing since we moved back to Indy. He's been running errands, moving lights, picking up lenses, moving more lights, doing freelance architecture, basically working his butt off .. all while having a full time job on top of it! :) It's finally starting to pay off with some amazing opportunities he's been given the past few weeks!
One of them happened to be assisting with a shoot for ESPN magazine. This cover photo of Greg Oden is one of the photos he helped out with! He assisted Chris Kolk, an amazing fashion photographer out of New York City.
And speaking of New York City! Dan is on a plane as I type this, flying first class nonetheless, to assist with a commercial shoot for FAO Schwartz. Neither of us have been to New York before so I can't wait to hear all about it. He'll be back Friday night just in time for our big weekend .. we have two weddings! :)
Oh and one last thing we're totally excited about! He got hired to photograph landscapes for a huge landscaping company here out of Indy. That gig is so exciting because he's the main cheese! I'm the little assistant for those jobs! ;) haha!
I'm just so psyched he's been getting these opportunities, getting the chance to work with these amazing photographers, traveling, and doing what he loves! It's so exciting! :D