I got the opportunity to photograph Davin at the hospital last week in the NICU. His grandmother contacted me since I am a part of The American Child Photographers Charity Guild. The ACPCG is a group of photographers who offer a complimentary photo shoot for parents who are experiencing early infant loss, children who are critically ill and for newborns that are extremely premature.
Davin was born back in April weighing in at only 2 pounds!! He is doing great, fighting every day. He was up to 5 pounds the day I got to photograph him. As we were leaving, the nurse was teaching his parents how to insert a feeding tube because was on his way home the next day!
He is just absolutely adorable! I wish him and his family the best. Thanks so much for letting me photograph your little miracle!

Awwwww, he is adorable. His family is going to looove these! That is wonderful of you to offer your time and talent for these precious babies! You have the kindest heart! Dad and I are soooo proud of you!
I wish I got these kind've photographs when I was a premie!
He is soooo cute, I agree with your momma you are awesome for doing that for their family!
I love that last one! Its like he's posing for the camera :)
You did an incredible job! Beautiful work!
So sweet! I love the last one.
good job... My brother just lost his baby yesterday
He is soooo cute! Such a wonderful thing for you to do with your talent. Im sure these families greatly appreciate you and everyone else involved.
Nicole, these are beautiful! You did a fantastic job and I think they'll be very pleased! He's so precious....and I'm glad I recommended you to them! No one could have been better for the job...seriously! Their such wonderful people and I wanted them to have beautiful pics of that little cutie pie! So, thank you! And that last one....HOW ADORABLE! MY FAV!
wow! that is an awesome group you're involved with there! that's really amazing...and the pictures are incredible!
How sweet nic, they will totally treasure these forever. you have a big heart and a beautiful way of capturing life.
What you do for these families is just fabulous!!!
These are the best! I'm glad that you can help families out like this.
Aww, Davin and his family are certainly in my prayers. He looks like such a little trooper! :)
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