I'm happy to say that my trip to Germany & Italy has finally arrived. :) :) I've been sort of a roller coaster of emotions about it. I don't know why but the older I get, the worse my fear of flying gets. Once I step foot on a plane I'm in full on panic attack mode. I can't breath, I'm sobbing, freaking out .. you get the point. :) It's definitely not pretty. So, worrying about having an attack come on has been so frustrating this past week .. when all I should be thinking about how much fun it's going to be when we get there!!
I got some anxiety/panic attack pills for the trip and I decided to test one out yesterday (just to see if there were any side effects). Now let me just preface this part .. I've never been drunk .. but I apparently was acting like I was. :) But the great news was that the anxiety I had about flying went away! The only downside was it wore off in about 4 hours (that and it made me so dizzy I almost fell over .. a few times ha!). The entire trip from Chicago to Germany is around 9 hours, give or take 15 minutes. Not cool. I'll be pill popping the entire time if I can't calm myself down! haha!
But anyway .. I am so so so so psyched about this trip. I can't believe I actually get the chance to go experience everything there for three entire weeks! And the fact that I get to see my family (some who I've never met and some who I haven't seen in years) and spend the entire time with my mom, grandma and Aunt Sandy makes it 100 time's better! Two weeks are being spent in Germany (& of course we're hitting up the Oktoberfest!!) and 1 week we'll be in Italy. We're going to hang out in Venice! Exciting right!? I can't wait! :)
Of course I couldn't blog it up without a picture or two so here you go .. two shots of my new toy (that you can't really see very well) and it's cover that I treated myself to this week. The new ipod classic and my fancy Paul Frank cover. I am absolutely obsessed with Paul Frank so I had to have this! :)

FYI .. I'm not quite sure about internet access over there but if at all possible, I'll try and blog some photos and catch up on emails. If not, be prepared for a slew of photos when I return on October 9th! :) Until then, I'll miss stalking everyone's blogs. :)