Our friends, Matt & Jen, have the cuuutest daughter. We were recently all together for dinner and luckily I had my camera on me. I took all of these in about 2 minutes and couldn't have been more happy with how they turned out. Isn't she adorable!?

Our friends, Matt & Jen, have the cuuutest daughter. We were recently all together for dinner and luckily I had my camera on me. I took all of these in about 2 minutes and couldn't have been more happy with how they turned out. Isn't she adorable!?
I never in a million years thought this job would bring so many amazing people into my life. The Strand's are at the top of that list. I met the family a few years ago when Dan and I photographed Jon & Natalie's wedding. Earlier this year they asked me to photograph their family before Laurie, Jon's mother, started chemo treatments. Her cancer had come back from 6 years prior. I had an amazing time photographing everyone, being able to laugh and capture so many real emotions that day. From that point on I followed her blog where she spoke beautiful words and updated everyone on her treatments.
About two weeks ago, I received a call from Natalie that Laurie's time with them was coming to an end. Dan and I went to visit Laurie, Greg, Jon, Natalie, JD, Liz & Heather at their home. We all gathered in Laurie's room, talked & laughed for an hour or so. Everyone in the family has a photo (& new nickname) of each of them wearing Laurie's short blonde wig. Greg, Laurie's husband, took the wig out of the closet to model it for us and the next thing I know, Laurie is suggesting Dan & I each have our turn with the wig & have our photos taken. :) It was absolutely hilarious! I loved that we got to take such a wonderful memory of her with us that evening.
Today I heard the news that she had passed away. I'm still a bit taken back by the news. Laurie and I have only known each other for a short time but she still holds a place in my heart. Before we left their home, she got out of bed, pulled me aside in the hallway and shared some incredible words with me. I'll never forget what she said and I hope she knows how much each word she spoke meant to me. Thank you, Laurie!
To the Strand Family - My heart breaks for you today but I'm comforted in knowing how strong of a family you are. You surrounded Laurie with nothing but love and I am truly honored to call you my friends. Thank you for allowing Dan and I into your lives. We love you!
Colton is so lucky to be part of such a wonderful family! I've known his parents, grandparents and Aunt Kelly since my high school days. I was so excited to get the chance to catch up with them & meet the newest member of their family! He's pretty much the most advanced 2 week old I've ever met. :) He kept holding his head up like it was no problem at all! Here are a few of my favorites..
I love these guys .. especially because they are my family! :) Meet my cousin Becky and her three kiddies, Austin, Lexy & Abbi. They live in Iowa but we were all visiting my Grandma in Illinois recently so I stole them for a quick little shoot at one of our favorite parks. Time goes by so quickly. I can still remember holding Abbi when she was just a newborn!
My mom and I made a special trip to Illinois to take these photos (and to visit my Grandma, of course!). A few of the family members have known me since I was a baby! :) We shot the pictures at a park right next to the Mississippi River. It ended up being a perfect evening for photos (well, maybe besides the wind!). :)
Photographing the Snyder family was such a fun shoot for me. I met most of the family back in my junior high and high school days (sooo long ago). It was so great seeing everyone again & meeting the new kids in the family!
Let me just first admit that during this shoot, I was an absolute nervous wreck! Peter & I met in photography school a few years ago & instantly became great friends. He wasn't just any regular photography student that attended OIP&T, he happened to be the most talented photographer in the entire school at that time! His work was (& still is) absolutely beautiful. Talk about pressure, right!? :) I'm photographing Peter & Mindi's wedding next year in Ohio and I can't wait! It seriously means so much to me that they chose me to photograph their day!
(Peter is the photographer behind the super cute pictures of Dan & I that are on my website .. back when Dan and I were in our skinny days) :)
Kathryn & Scott are such a sweet couple. Dan and I had so much fun taking their engagement pictures (& were so thankful the weather was perfect!). I'm really looking forward to photographing their wedding in October!